Jul 30, 2009

Did you know...

  • Everyday, more money is printed for monopoly than the US treasury.
  • The first novel ever written on a typewriter was Tom Sawyer.
  • Each king in deck of playing cards represents a great king from history : Spades- King David, Hearts- Charlemagne, Clubs- Alexander the Great, Diamonds- Julius Caesar.
  • 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,378,987,654,321
  • In Shakespeares's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes, the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase "Good night, sleep tight".
  • Honey is the only food that doesn't spill.
  • The first couple to be shown in bed together om prime time TV was Fred and Wilma Flinstone.

Jul 25, 2009

Just another normal day

I wish I have a very good sewing machine. I have the manual sewing machine but it's quite tiring sometimes because I don't use legs only right hand. Maybe one day I will get a chance to try the electric one. Though I don't need one because I don't sew everyday. 
Here's a photo of my sewing machine, it's actually my mom in law's but since she's old I use it now.

Jul 21, 2009

Just facts...

Here are some interesting fact that will leave you surprised:
  • Tom Hanks is the youngest recipient of the Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award, which he received in 2002 at age 45.
  • Kate Winslet is the only actress to receive four Oscar Nominations before the age of 30.
  • Excavations from Egyptian tombs dating to 5,000 BC show that the ancient Egyptian kids played with toy hedge-hogs.
  • The har perm was invented in 1906 by Karl Ludwig Nessler of Germany.
  • Golf is the only sport played on the moon. On 6 February 1971, astronaut Alan Shepard hit a golf ball.
  • Greek philospher Aristotle wrote Meteorologica in 350 BC. It remained the standard textbook for 2000 years.
  • Indian comic actress Manorama has played the most leading roles of any performer in movie history. She began her career in 1958, and in 1985 had appeared in her 1,000th movie.

Jul 18, 2009

July 18 :

1918 – Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa, Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

1950 – Sir Richard Branson, British entrepreneur

1967 – Vin Diesel, American actor

July 18, 1968

  • The Intel Corporation is founded in Santa Clara, California.

Striped purple pouch

Well I have to try pouch too so here it comes. This is really cute. I just had trouble attaching the zipper as usual, I am not a pro yet on zipper attaching.
Size - 23cm x 13cm. 
The handle or strap is 16cm + 4 cm more for the gap inside.

Dimwitted thieves steal fake cell phones in Mexico

  • MORELIA, Mexico – Call it the case of the dead cells — both telephones and the ones in the brain. Employees at a Telefonica Movistar cell-phone store in Morelia, Mexico say they arrived Tuesday morning to find that the store had been broken into.

    An examination of the shop revealed the only items missing were hollow replica phones for display that are completely useless for making calls.

    Employees say the clueless thieves overlooked real cell phones and cash in another part of the shop.

    Store owners nonetheless reported the theft to local police, who are investigating. - AP

Black Tote

Finally made my first black tote bag, this one looks plain and dull I guess, I added some lace for contrast which help a bit. But this one is a lesson learned, maybe I should try a bigger lace next time. This tote is a little bigger for my folders and files to fit.
Size is 40cm x 34cm. 
Straps - 46 cm + 8 cm for attaching it -(8 cm is the gap inside so it can easily hold the bag.)

Jul 17, 2009

Gray Small Tote

Since I love tote bags, I keep on sewing more of this. Can't help myself with gray bags. Wish I have the sewing machine which can stitch different design. I mixed dark gray and light gray material for this one so it won't look very plain. And the 2 flower designs are made of buttons only, had to stitched and attached one by one which really occupied my time. Straps are 23-24 inches long but add more 2 inches for attaching it.
Approx size - 37cm(length) x 29cm(height).

Jul 16, 2009

Cellphone Pouch

I stitched this one for my cellphone and put a strap so I can carry it anywhere. I forgot the size of this one but I think it's around 3"x5". A friend of mine actually borrowed it so it's with her for quite some time now.

Jul 15, 2009

Small side bag

This is one of the first few side bags I tried. This is around 5"x6" in size.