Jul 21, 2009

Just facts...

Here are some interesting fact that will leave you surprised:
  • Tom Hanks is the youngest recipient of the Academy's Lifetime Achievement Award, which he received in 2002 at age 45.
  • Kate Winslet is the only actress to receive four Oscar Nominations before the age of 30.
  • Excavations from Egyptian tombs dating to 5,000 BC show that the ancient Egyptian kids played with toy hedge-hogs.
  • The har perm was invented in 1906 by Karl Ludwig Nessler of Germany.
  • Golf is the only sport played on the moon. On 6 February 1971, astronaut Alan Shepard hit a golf ball.
  • Greek philospher Aristotle wrote Meteorologica in 350 BC. It remained the standard textbook for 2000 years.
  • Indian comic actress Manorama has played the most leading roles of any performer in movie history. She began her career in 1958, and in 1985 had appeared in her 1,000th movie.

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