About me

  • A mom to a beautiful daughter and a wife to a caring husband. I love crocheting and sewing, it never crossed my mind that I can crochet and sew. It's like it popped out from nowhere that hey why don't I try something like this and that. I like cross stitch but sometimes I find it hard finding xtitch threads for my work so I did not continue further.
  • Please feel free to contact me or send any message on  ajem09@gmail.com or hobbies4us@gmail.com
  • Do not use/place pictures and information on your own web site or otherwise redistribute. Instead, you may give out the URL of this page or the original URL of the creator.
  • I recently started giving classes to those who want to have fun while learning crochet, email me if you are interested. I'm located in Andhra Pradesh, India.